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Podcast 51: Welcoming Springtime!

Hello hello, and welcome to Episode 51 of Life On the Brink!

I won’t say that spring is here, but spring is kind of here!

Obviously, where you live in the world will greatly affect the weather you’re currently experiencing, but with the onset of Daylight Savings in the U.S. and the rise in temperature here in Virginia (it’s around 65 Fahrenheit all week long!), I’m finally starting to feel a bit of spring in my step.

Today’s episode is going to be full of ways to welcome and fully enjoy the new season after a long, long winter, but first I’d like to be honest and comfort those who might not be feeling the spring inspiration yet. It has truly been only in the last couple of days that I’ve had the energy to think about any kind of transition.

That being said, I hope that you’re able to find time to rest, even more than you might think you need! Someday soon you’ll feel the warmth of the sun or hear morning bird songs and get that little boost of springtime inspiration. Maybe this podcast can even be that for you.

My favorite market comes back this weekend and I'm BUZZING.

What’s in my teacup? The Harney and Sons Paris blend (no surprise there).

Whenever you’re ready, here’s some fun ways to enjoy the spring season. You can even consider making a fun bucket list for the next few months!


Spring cleaning:

-give everything a once over

-clean the little places that get ignored: oven, fridge, couch cushions (me)

-tackle a few projects that tend to get forgotten

Get into the garden:

-time for weeding and setup

-pick your flowers and veggies for the year!

-also, this is the time to add and repot houseplants

-or you can just buy yourself a bouquet of flowers for pop of cheery color

Bring lightness to your textiles:

-time to switch over the wardrobe and bring out the spring and summer clothes!

-I like to look at my winter wardrobe as I put it away and remove pieces I didn't wear this year. It makes my closet a little lighter and more functional.

-switch to lighter fabrics in your blankets, curtains, or other linens

Spruce up your beauty regimen:

-sandal weather is coming up. how about a pedicure?

-sometimes it's nice to treat yo self to a facial or a new haircut to help shed the weight of the winter.

-sunscreen. that is all.

-you can make a night of it and have an at-home spa experience too!

Have fun outdoors:

-open the windows when the weather is nice. there are few things so refreshing.

-head to your local farmer’s market (Episode 26 was all about them!)

-get hype for seasonal produce

-it's picnic season! (Episode 21 dives deep into the art of the picnic)

-explore your area. festivals are finally returning and it's a great time to get back out there.

-local trails and hikes are lovely in the spring (plus you can combo with a picnic)

-or simply enjoy a short walk or bike ride in your neighborhood. it does wonders for me and my tired brain.

Read a springy book:(here are my recommendations!)

-The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis

-Tulipomania by Mike Dash

-A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas

-My Life in France by Julia Child

-Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

-The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett

And lastly, here's a few extras and videos for more inspiration. Have fun, friends!

She's so ready for the season.


This Week’s Little Joy: Honeyjubu, a Youtube channel. She's a Korean woman who makes very quiet, peaceful videos of her basically cooking and cleaning and tending her home, and it's just so relaxing. I'm also so inspired to try new things in the kitchen and to enjoy my time at home. May it be the same for you, check her out here!

What I’m Listening To: I actually haven't been listening to any music outside of repertoire I need to perform or teach during the next month, but I have really been loving Milk Street Radio, which listen to as a podcast. Hosted by Christopher Kimball, this is possibly the most informative and entertaining cooking resource I've found. It's full of interviews and recipes and call-in questions and I can't get enough.

Thank you, friend, for listening! If you have any additional ideas on your spring bucket list, feel free to comment below. May you have a wonderful start to the season, and I'll be back in two weeks with a new episode.



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